- St John, S (2020) Would Total Remuneration improve KiwiSaver fairness? RPRC PensionBriefing 2020-1
- St John, S (2020) Susan St John makes the case for taxing a deemed rate of return on excessive real estate holdings (after a family home exemption), to redirect scarce housing resources to where they are needed most Published at 26th December 2020
- St John, S (2020) Susan St John looks into the ‘housing elephant rampaging across New Zealand society’ and assesses potential solutions, Published at 7th December 2020
- St John, S ( 2020) 30 years of neoliberalism has failed the poor – so why is Labour continuing it? Daily Blog 23rd November
- St John,S. (2020) Bridging the poverty gap: Why all poor kids need Working For Families support, Spinoff, 18th November 2020
- St John,S. ( 2020) Some fairness for short-changed pensioners – but it was a farcical process to get there, Business Stuff, 10th November.
- St John, S (2020) The bureaucratic blocks to welfare reform, Newsroom 5th November
- St John, S quoted in Jacinda Ardern must use her mandate to tackle child poverty in New Zealand The Guardian, 5th November 2020
- RNZ interview, The Detail on Rethinking ACC in the 21st century (Andrew Dickson, Sir Geoff Palmer, Susan St John, November 2,2020) and the RNZ article Time for a Royal Commission into Accident Compensation , 2nd November, 2020
- St John, S (2020) A gender lens: Pensions Policies New Zealand, Ireland and Australia IAPF (Irish pensions Savers) conference, online Ireland 19th October.
- St John quoted in Rob Stock, Stuff Gender blind KiwiSaver needs to become fairer to women. Stuff 18th October
- Dale and St John (2020) presenting Retirement issues for women in a post-covid world, Insurance Ireland, zoom conference, 7he October
- St John, S (2020)., Time to Act is now : taxation of housing as an increase to the income tax base Daily Blog, 19th October
- St John S quoted in Report card: Jacinda Ardern’s government graded on the past three years The Guardian 12th October 2020
- Panel discussion chaired by Jack Tame: Rob Everett (Chief Executive, Financial Markets Authority), Jane Wrightson (Retirement Commissioner, Commission for Financial Capability), Susan St John (Director, University of Auckland, Retirement Policy and Research Centre), Will Burkitt (Mercer, Retirement Innovation Leader). Financial Services Council annual conference panel discussion: Is retirement dead?
- Dig Social policy discussion panel, chaired by Jeremy Rose. Benefits panel Susan St John , Serenah Nicholson and Donna Maria Lawson, 7th October.
- Dale, MC and St John, s ( 2020) Women and Retirement in a post COVID-19 world Report prepared for TOR consulting, September 2020
- St John ,S ( 2020) What no benefit increases? Daily Blog 29th September 2020
- St John and Dale ( 2020) RPRC Select Committee Submission on the New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income (Fair Residency) Amendment Bill, September 22st 2020
- St John, S. ( 2020) Reflections on the Woodhouse Legacy for the 21st Century, 51/2 VUWLR p 293-312
- St John, S. ( 2020) Vote ACT for a shattered economy Daily Blog, 3rd August, 2020 July
- St John, S (2020) Economics Solutions. Alternative Aotearoa Piptea Marae Wellington , 25th July 2020 Video link here and edited transcript here
- St John, S ( 2020) An analysis of Act policies , Daily Blog 14th July
- Interview On the Panel with Wallace Chapman, Radio NZ – National, Wellington , 13th July
- St John, S ( 2020) Please save KiwiSaver from the axe Daily Blog 2nd July
St John, S ( 2020) When will Labour get it right for the worst-off children? 1st July
- Neuwled-kearns, C and St John S, 2020 Family tax credits: Do children get the support in New Zealand that they would get in Australia? CPAG backgrounder June 2020.
- St John, S and Dale C ( 2020) Don’t drop the ball on this one Jacinda Newsroom 5th June 2020
- St John, S ( 2020) Child Poverty was once at the heart of this government, Daily Blog 18th May
- 2020 CPAG budget analysis with Bryan Bruce : and the Q&A is available here: 15th May 2020
- St John, S and C M Dale ( 2020) Why this budget matters for intergenerational fairness Newsroom, 14th May 2020
- St John, S ( 2020) The welfare system is dangerous to our COVID-19 future, Daily Blog 14th May
- St John, S and J Letif, (2020) Pre budget chat with CPAG, published facebook 8th May 2020
- St John, S ( 2020), Newsroom, Time to change this abhorrently wasteful policy 23rd April
- St John, S ( 2020) Universal basic income: be careful what you wish for, Newsroom, 15th April
- St John, S ( 2020) Let’s get the policies right this time Newsroom, 2 April, 2020
- St John, S ( 2020) Covid-19: A Catch-22 for our most vulnerable Newsroom, 30th March
- St John, S ( 2020) ‘Time to rethink everything especially super policy’. The DailyBlog, 23 March 2020
- St John, S ( 2020) ‘Covid-19 economic rescue package: The experts weigh in’. The Spinoff, 17 March 2020,
- Dale, MC & St John, S (2020) The Kiwis falling through the KiwiSaver cracks Newsroom 28 February
- St John, S ( 2020) The New Zealand Super Fund’s magical thinking Newsroom Pro 28th February 020
- St John, S A briefing on the reform of the in Work Tax Credit, Child Poverty Action Group, 19th February 2020
- St John, S and Dale ,M (2020) A close look at the superannuation problem Newsroom 19th February
- St John, S (2020) Petty, intrusive, destructive and just plain wrong, Daily Blog, 13th February 2020
- St John et al (2020) Budget Policy Statement CPAG Oral submission to the Finance Expenditure Select committee, 7th February
- St John reported in Stuff, 2nd Feb, How employers are freezing the over 50s out of the job market and New Zealand’s pension is one of the world’s most generous – will you be getting it at 65?
- St John, S Radio New Zealand, Radio NZ Checkpoint also Newsroom The Retirement Income review Future retirees face more financial hardship, research suggests 29th January
- St John in New Zealand Herald |Kathryn’s case was meant to change the system 23rd January
- St John, S Expose Working for Families myths Newsroom, 23rd January, 2020
- ST John S Non Qualifying spouse interview Susan Edmunds Stuff 20th Jan
- St John S reported in Where the Government should spend the pot of gold, Stuff, 19th January, 2020
- St John, S. CPAG joins call from budget advisors for Govt to increase benefits urgently Press Release 9th January 2020