- St John, S and Cotterell, G (2019) National’s family incomes support policy: A new paradigm shift or more of the same? Themed issue: National’s social policy legacy. N e w Z e a l a n d S o c i o l o g y 3 4 ( 2 ).
- St John, S ( 2019) The interment of the WEAG report is complete Daily Blog, 24th December 2019
- t John, S ( 2019) Pension for children is no panacea, Newsroom, 20th December, 2019
- St John, S (2019) Universality and a pension for children Radio NZ, 18th December Jesse Muligan show,
- St John, J (2019) oral submission to the Social Services and Community select committee, Modernisation and simplification of NZ Superannuation 16th December, 2019
- St John , S Press release on the Budget Policy Staement 13th December
- St John, S ( 2019) )Intergenerational impacts: The sustainability of New Zealand Superannuation23rd Annual Colloquium of Superannuation Researchers, CEPAR and Risk and Actuarial Studies in the UNSW Business School, Sydney 2-3 December 2019
- St John, S ( 2019) The Earned Income Tax Credit, CPAG Summit; Whereto from here, the Whakamana Tangata Report, Otago medical school, Wellington 18th November 2019
- St John, S (2019) The real problem in Winston’s case Newsroom, 13 h November 2019
- St John, S (2019) Winston’s trial this week should be a wake-up call for-everyone Daily Blog 4th November 2019
- St John, S (2019) The 2019 Sir Owen Woodhouse Memorial Lecture, Wellington law school, 16th October, Auckland Law school 22nd October, 2019.
Video of lecture
- St John, S., & Dale, M. C. (2019). Intergenerational impacts: the sustainability of New Zealand Superannuation Retirement Policy and Research Centre, prepared for the Commission for Financial Capability.
- St John, S., & M.C, Dale . (2019). Decumulation: Time to act. Auckland: Retirement Policy and Research Centre, University of Auckland, prepared for the Commission for Financial Capability
- St John, S (2019) Poverty not an earthquake but still a crisis Newsroom, 9th July
- St John, S (2019) Retirement policies falling under the radar screen Daily Blog, 30th June
- St John, S (2019) Housing is a mess. Stop messing with solutions Daily Blog , 21st June
- St John, S (2019) Break open the champagne , Daily Blog 5th June, Wellbeing budget quietly rights a wrong, Newsroom 9th June
- St John, S ( 2019) The wider picture, Senior courts conference: Stability and instability Christchurch, 8th June 2019
- St john, S and Dale, C Unfair superannuation partner rule finally dropped, RPRC, Scoop, 4th June 2019
- St John, S & J. MCallister, The cash benefit fuelling NZ’s housing crisisNewsroom30th May 2019 and StuffBad design of the Accommodation Supplement fuels NZ’s housing crisis Stuff, 3rd June, 2019
- CPAG, Press release 2019, Budget provides relief but nothing transformational for children in poverty – Child poverty Action Group , 2nd June 2019
- St John, S and J Cartwright (2019) ‘Get our children out of poverty’ Tui Motu Issue 2356, 2019 May
- St John, S ( 2019) Poverty and Justice ,Transformational Justice conferences 31st May and 11th June, Wellington
- St John, S (2019) Creditable but not good enough: Wellbeing Budget 2019: The great Spinoff hot-take roundtable, May 30th 2019
- St John, S ( 2019) Radio NZ, morning report and 1ZB, the poverty reduction targets 23rd May [BROKEN LINK]
- St John, S ( 2019) Media must interrogate menacing privacy breaches Newsroom 21st May 2019
- St John, S with J MacCalister and A Johnson, The Accommodation supplement: the wrong tool to fix the house. Monograph Child Poverty Action Group , 20th May 2019
- St John, S ( 2019) On welfare: What I wish Sepuloni had said Newsroom 15th May 2019
- St John, S ( 2019) I am not a conspiracy theorist but…. Daily Blog 6th May also see Welfare system report: Advocates hope for more funding , Radio NZ, 26th April 2019 and Press release: CPAG welcomes WEAG recommendations to ensure dignity for all, 3rd May
- St John, S (2019) Decumulation, Session on KiwiSaver, RPRC summit. The 2019 Retirement Income review and You, 26th April 2019 Auckland Business school. Also see, Has NZ missed the boat, Good Returns, and NZ missed the boat, not yet, Good Returns.
- St John, S ( 2019 ) Paying too much to keep us warm?, Daily Blog 15th April 2019
- St John, S (2019) Grasping the chance to do it better. Daily Blog 21st April and St John, S (2019) CGT is dead – time to act on alternatives, Newsroom, 30th April
- CPAG, St John, S (2019) New data on benefit sanctions show fairer treatment of those in need, April 2019 St John, S (2019 ) Call for ‘significant’ benefit increases after jump in kids living in poor households, ZB Kate Hawkesby, 3rd April, 2019
- St John, S (2019) Is this the best we can do? Critically examining the findings of the Tax Working Group. Panel discussion TOP, 11th March Grey Lynn RSA. See written version Of course, the left wants a capital gains tax… The Daily Blog and CGT is dead – time to act on alternatives, Newsroom 26th April
- Susan St John says the minority report from the Tax Working Group should be taken seriously if the desire is to reduce inequality and improve housing affordability, 28th March
- St John, S (2019) A New Zealand academic has renewed her call for government intervention to fix a “serious hole” in the country’s retirement income policies. Good returns, 11th January 2019.