- St John, S (2017) am Show, The families package, 7am 15th December, 2017
- St John, S. with Cotterell, G., Dale C., and So, Y. Further fraying of the welfare safety net, CPAG, Launch December 18th 2017.
- St John, S ( 2017) Some personal reflections Symposium Fifty years from the Woodhouse Report. A celebration and assessment of ACC, Policy Observatory, AUT, 11th December 2017
- St John, S (2017) panel discussant- Interpreting the figures: Child Poverty Monitor Launch, Auckland City mission, 7th December, 2017
- St John, S (2017). Woodhouse at 50, Safeguard Magazine, November/December issue 166
- St John (2017) Critic and conscience seminar, Old Government House, 22nd November 2917
- St John, S (2017) Getting welfare right for the 21st century St Johns Rotary, Remuera golf course, November 2nd 2017
- St John, S (2017) The role of Business in enhancing family life, Kerridge partners Leadership conference, Mantels Viaduct, 3rd November,
- St John, S (2017) The David Wakim Memorial lecture, Columbus centre Ponsonby 5th Oct 2017
- Media interview, Loans are income claim by MSD , High Court Newshub, 27th October, 2017
- St John (2017)Tax and familiy assistance in Progressive thinking on Tax. Eds R.Thomas and K.Windelov, PSA October 2017
- St John, S (2017) Housing is the critical issue for the election Daily Blog 19th September 2017
- St John S & H Bull (2017) CPAG submission on The Making Tax Simpler Consultative document Inland Revenue, September 15th 2017
- St John, S (2017) Social investment: target efficiency and incentives. Beyond Social Investment, RPRC and CARE and CPAG conference 8th September 2017, University of Auckland
- St John, S (2017) Time to get rid of married/single distinctions Daily Blog 6th September 2017
- St John, s (2017) The murky illogical world of life on a benefit Newsroom, 1 September 2017
- St John, S (2017) Real cash injection needed to curb child poverty. NZ Herald 31st August
- St John, S, So, Y (2017), Does the living wage provide an adequate standard of living for families? Policy Quarterly Volume 13 Number 3 2017 General Election.
- St John, S (2017) “Working together: charity and advocacy for policy change” , address to Board of Variety, Parenting centre Greenlane, 15th August, 2017
- St John, S (2017) Black and White or 50 shades of grey? Daily Blog 13th August, 2017
- St John, S (2017 Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Daily Blog 18th July 2017
- St John, S (2017) The Green’s Breathtakingly bold benefit policies Newsroom 20th July
- St John, S, So, Y (2017) Supporting family income I New Zealand and Australia, CPAG background paper
- St John, S (2017) Mean petty and wrong Daily Blog 9th June 2017
April May
- St John, S (2017) Can this budget turn the tide? 18th CPAG Budget Breakfast, Mt Albert War Memorial Hall, 26th May 2017
- St John, S (2017) Time to break open New Zealand’s decade’s long poverty trap Newsroom. Future learning, 30th May 2017, and, Tough love not working June UNINEWS
- Asher I & St John, S (2017), Child health and poverty in New Zealand AUT Policy observatory, posted May 2017
- St John, S (2017) “Tax and family assistance” in Progressive thinking: Ten perspectives on tax, eds R Thomas and K Windelov, PSA, Wellington, May 22nd 2017
- St John, S (2017) “Budget 2017: Make child obesity and child poverty priorities” NewsRoom, 22nd May, 2017, and “What’s in store for Working for Families?” Newsroom, May 21st, 2017
- St John, S. (2017) NZ-Oz situation dumps on Kiwis, New Zealand Herald, 15th May 2017
- St John, S (2017) Let’s have open slather on the 1990s Daily Blog 3rd May 2017
- St John, S (2017) What century are we living in? Daily Blog 6th April 2017
- St John. S Labour/Green Economics – these fiscal rules aren’t the beginning of the end, Daily Blog, 20th March, 2017
January February March
- St John, S (2017) What would you do Prime Minister English? Daily Blog March 19,2017
- St John, S (2017) Kiwis deserve better on superannuation, Christchurch Press 8th March 2017
- St John, S & So Y. Children and the Living wage, Background paper for Child Poverty Action Group, March 2017
- St John, S (2017) “Contemporary social issues in unit standards: Child Poverty” presentation to the Commerce and Economics Teachers Association (CETA), February 28th, St Cuthberts college
- St John, S (2017) Tax cuts in store but what is Joyce thinking? Daily Blog / February 21, 2017
- St John, S (2016) oral submission to select committee on the 2016 Budget Statement, 8th February, 2017
- St John, S (2016) Visionless and exclusionary. A good future, just for people like Bill Daily Blog February 4, 2017