- St John, S (2015) National does not understand what a work incentive requires, Daily Blog, 18th November
- St John, S (2015) The bizarre financialisation of tertiary education Daily Blog 29th October
- St John, S (2015) Women second class students in the neoliberal world, Daily Blog 7th October
- St John, S (2015) The unique New Zealand system for retirement income: Too simple or simply genius? Spotlight on Retirement Incomes Policy. Lunchtime seminar presented by the Australian Social Policy Association (ASPA) and the Brotherhood of St Laurence (BSL).Melbourne15th October 2015
- St John, S (2015), Improving the Affordability of New Zealand Superannuation, Psychosociological Issues in Human Resource Management 3(1): 81–100.
- St John, S (2015), Working for Families/incomes, Summit: Welfare fit for families in a changing world, Sept 8th, Auckland University
- St John,S (2015) Another week of neoliberal economics Daily Blog 9th July
- St John, S (2015) Reflections on the Budget 2015 Child Hardship Package, Policy Quarterly, Vol 11 No 3,Victoria School of Governance, Wellington
- Asher, I and St John,S (2015) Poverty, unhealthy housing and poor health in NZ children What needs to be done? Presentation to New Zealand First conference, Rotorua, 1st August.
- St John,S (2015) How NZ can maintain equitable superannuation NZ herald Brand Insight, July 5th
- St John,S (2015) Future proofing New Zealand Superannuation, 23rd Annual Colloquium of Superannuation Researchers7, 5-6th July 2015 CPS Research Group and the School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW, Sydney
- St John,S (2015) The cruelty of social welfare prosecutions against ‘benefit fraudsters’ Daily Blog 9th July
- St John,S (2015) CPAG oral and written submission on the Child Hardship Bill, Select committee, Wellington
- St John,S (2015) Sex-and-beneficiaries-19th-century-morality-in-21st-century Daily Blog 22nd June
- St John,S (2015) OECD report indicates a better policy direction is needed, CPAG press release, 16th June
- St John,S (2015) Panel Privatisation of Social Services Mt Eden, IKA 9th June
- St John,S (2015) Coupledom rules Daily Blog 8th June relationship status blog
- St John,S (2015) Interview on the future of New Zealand Superannuation, Insight Pensions and tensions between generations Radio NZ , 7th June
- St John,S (2015), Why are we sending women with children to prison? CPAG press release, 6th June
- St John,S (2015) Can we please debate New Zealand Superannuation? Daily Blog 28th May
- St John,S (2015) Carrot attack to get those lazy sole parents working Daily Blog May 26th
- St John,S and A.Johnson (2015) Budget 2015 the impact on children, CPAG Annual budget breakfast, Western Spirngs community centre May 22nd, 2017
- St John,S (2015) The Economics of Child Poverty – The Community of St Lukes Church, 130 Remuera Road, Auckland, 5th May
- St John,S (2015) Child Poverty tax and family income Law school, Guest lectures 443 Faculty of law, May 6th and May 14th
- St John,S (2015) A step change for Children, Fix Working for Families, AUT Briefing papers, May 2015
- S St John (2015) Of Mice and Men – try to see it, Daily Blog 14th April
- S St John(2015) Injustice will eventually be overcome. Daily Blog 2nd April
- S St John(2015) The Budget must get this one right: More income to fix child poverty. Daily Blog 27th March
- S St John (2015) Social Policies that affect women, UN International women’s day Breakfast, Milord 6th March
- S St John(2015) Universal basic income: let’s make a start with those over 65. Daily blog 19th February
- St John, S (2015) Child poverty is dwindling? Daily Blog 12th February
- St John, S (2015) Improving the affordability of New Zealand Superannuation Working Paper 2015-1. Auckland: Retirement Policy and Research Centre, the University of Auckland.
- St John, S (2015) “Decumulation policy in New Zealand” in Beyond April 2015: the long view on UK pension reform REFORM, London, UK